Using light and other media, I have been exploring mechanical processes in different ways (see some here, or below).
Why? Well, imagination seems vitally important as we move into an era of enormous change. Beyond the dull and restrictive commercial parameters currently keeping our world on what seems like a single-minded path (aka the fossil fuel lobbyist's dream), are astounding new possibilities. I believe that we need to think hard about what criteria we use to direct technology - after all, it is just a tool, and as we know, tools can kill you, or help you. As a society, maybe we have to decide, and make clear, which option we want.
Imagination (available to everyone) may have just as much to contribute at the end of the "oil age" as scientists in expensive research labs. I feel that by reclaiming technology from corporate control even in such small situations as are possible within my art practice, I am able to open a few doors in this area. I want to decide what technology will make for me and why - and this applies on a larger scale also.
A small loop of these shadow drawings is on show at the Pratt Manhattan Gallery, 144 West 14th Street, NYC as part of Design Jazz : Improvisations on the Urban Street - through Nov 7th.
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