Sunday, August 28, 2016


 Night 8.26.16, spray paint on velvet, 11.5 x 13 inches

This scrap of fabric feels like it could have functioned like a political talisman, rolled up in a saddlebag as revolutionaries galloped through the night.  

Sunday, August 21, 2016

From light to dark... 

Birds: shadows and reflections (sun, wood paneling, taxidermy case with stuffed quail, and incidental bird ornament), 2015. Digital image. 
We've a glass case containing stuffed quail that was given to Craig's dad (he loved hunting). I found a small ceramic bird ornament in my mum's belongings and put it on the taxidermy case. I liked the visual pun. The late sun comes in to the room and creates all sorts of shadows and reflections on the wood paneling. More puns.